Monday, March 21, 2011

"Own Your Power!"

Do you "own your power?" I put that in quotes, because it is one of the most important concepts written about in Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's book My Stroke of Insight. It refers to the fact that we can learn to be aware of what circuitries our brains are running. Do we want to stay in those circuitries? If not, we can thank our brains for working so hard, and instruct our brains to stop running circuitries that are not welcomed. Remember, the chemical stimuli and physiological response lasts only 90 seconds. If it runs longer, it is because we choose to let it!

Though our left and right hemispheres of our brains are "interwoven," our right brain is a place of peace, serenity, and bliss. Most of us are left-brain dominant, using our language and analytical skills to live and survive in the world. Yet, the right-brain circuitry is running. We can make the conscious choice to thank our left-brain storyteller for its hard work, and ask it to pause, while we own our power to live in the present, and not let another person's negativity draw us in.


  1. OOOOOOOKKKKKKKKK not sure it's that easy.

  2. Terri,
    I think it is a matter of persistence, like almost anything else worthwile in life. I am working at it persistently, and I see progress. I had a great sleep last night, because I thnked my left brain for working so hard, and asked it to give it a rest.
