Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Incentive to avoid obesity

Thanks to Michelle Obama, obesity is a subject in the news. Actually, it is right in front of our eyes, anywhere we go. Do heterosexual men have more incentive to avoid obesity than heterosexual women? I think so. Women who are big all over, including their breast areas, merely have to lower their necklines, and they still can attract the attention of us dopey heterosexual males. The same doesn't hold true for obese men being able to attract heterosexual women, does it?


  1. The totally cynical response is that as long as the obesity extends to the wallet, there will always be some woman who finds it him attractive.

  2. Swiftone,
    Now there is daring, but honest observation: not true of all women, thankfully, but common enough to cite as a factor to be considered!

  3. ROTFL only thing we obese women have to offer. ha ha
