Sunday, March 06, 2011

Five? At most?

In his latest column George Will spends a lot of space blasting former Arkansas Governor Huckabee. Will says there are at most five plausible Republican candidates for President in 2012: Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, former Utah Governor and departing ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, former Massachusets Governor Mitt Romney, and former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty. The rest of the field is "cluttered with careless, delusional, egomaniacal spotlight-chasing candidates to whom the sensible American majority would never entrust a lemonade stand, much less nuclear weapons." No Sarah Palin? No Chris Christie? No Huckabee? No Ron Paul? No Newt Gingrich? No Fred Thompson? No Rush Limbaugh? No Herman Cain? No Paul Ryan? No Congressman Allan West? No Congressman Rubio? No Donald Trump? No Jim DeMint? No Mike Pence? What about someone few have even thought of? I like a wide open field.

There is a Pajamas Media story alleging that the Huntsman family does not like Mitt Romney, whose mandatory healthcare legislation in Massachusets is seen as the basis for Obamacare. (Romney was chosen, instead of Huntsman, to run the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, using it as a springboad to his political career). Lots of blogs I read do not like Romney: I see this phrase often: "not this Mitt again." Yet, Romney appears to be a classy gentleman and a good family man.

While I enjoy reading George Will's columns, I don't see him as that much in touch with us out here in the "sensible American majority."

1 comment:

  1. Will lost his place in my book a very long time ago. That said, as a Mormon, I'm not much on Romney or Huntsman. Romney didn't impress me with his I'll-have-2-ck-w/the-lawyers comment in a debate last go around. Don't enough about Huntsmen to be that impressed. As for me and mine, we're all Sarah.
