Today I met a woman with two children. She got the two children from orphanages in China. The little boy had been abandoned "in a public place" when he was eight months old, because he had a heart condition, and that wonderful communist country, unlike the USA, has no programs to help parents defray the costs of such illnesses. He was near death when the woman got him from the orphanage. She and her husband paid for his heart surgery and adopted him. He is now an ebullient four-year-old.
The other child, a female now six years old, was also abandoned "in a public place," but she was abandoned the day after she was born. the American woman again went to China and got her out of the orphanage and adopted her.
These lovely children are now brother and sister, living in a loving family with the financial means to take good care of them, in the capitalist land of the free and home of the brave.
Yea that dirty rotten evil capitalism that has given the world one of its best and most generous countries ever...yeah that capitalism. Hope we win the battle. Ultimately we will because really evil never really wins. But why do we have to keep fighting the battle?