In Colorado we don't talk much about the weather, because it usually doesn't present us with many problems. Days like today are the exception to that rule. It is -23 degrees as I write this out in the country, with a wind chill to -35.
But, guess what? When I pulled up the shade on my bedroom window this morning I looked out to the southeast, and saw a beautiful rainbow! Jack Frost had done his thing with the trees, and the ground was covered with a light snow that fell overnight.
We hear the dire forecasts, pull open the shades with a slight dread, and then are reminded that God's love is here for us if we open our eyes and hearts and seek His will for our lives.
By the way, has anyone seen Al Gore? Just sayin'.
Funny Al Gore has disappeared, left the building, rocketed off planet earth, who knows. I too am always struck by the sheer beauty the Lord gives us free of charge.