So, which is it? Is President Obama "deliberately initiating policies that he knew would injure the economy and the country?" Or, is he merely "arrogant, incompetent, narcissistic, and in over his head?" Rick Moran joins Michael Medved in believing it is the latter, not the former. Like those on the Left, Moran throws out hateful epithets against Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and Palin, calling them "cotton candy conservatives." What is that supposed to mean? That they are insubstantial? Got a little jealousy thing going on there, Rick?
I hope all this fighting among conservatives does not affect our ability to join together to pick and support a strong candidate who can defeat Obama in 2012. Meanwhile, Obama, Soros, and the rest of the Left must be sitting back and enjoying the show.
I consider this the true breaking apart of the Repubs. The Demos are in lockstep.