Friday, January 28, 2011

"You can't judge a revolution by its theatrics"

Look at what is happening in the Arab world! Strategy Page has an analysis here. Michael Ledeen wonders here whether the tumult will really change systems of rule and replace them with new ones. Will the new systems separate mosque and state, as he believes would happen in Iran if the Green Revolution prevails, or will secular systems be replaced by Islamic systems, as Hezbollah is trying to do in Lebanon? Ledeen believes that Obama is "totally bamboozled" by all the tumult, and so is Hillary. He also wonders about Panetta's C.I.A. Will the C.I.A. know whom to support? And what about the true martyrs, those who are being killed in Iran's prisons at the rate of three per day!

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to accept at times but the only true freedom is knowing Christ. How to help someone else is only best applied when the Holy Spirit guides. In my own personal life, I have at times actually made things worse with the "best of intentions." Maybe as a country we should just leave it alone and wait to see what happens.
