Saturday, January 15, 2011

Meanwhile, in other universes...

If you are interested in what is going on in space, the Space Station Shuttle Mission blog is an excellent resource. A visit there today produced photo and story of the Earth weather patterns taken on December 30, 2010, a picture of two galaxies who had a close encounter a few hundred million years ago, a photo and story of unexpected energy changes in Crab Nebulla, story and picture of this year's La Nina, which has been the strongest La Nina in over fifty years, photo and story of where on Mars Rover will be spending its 7th birthday, a photo of snow-covered Ireland, and much, much more.


  1. Love this kind of stuff... thanks for sharing the link.

  2. Sometimes I look at stuff like this and think hmmmm maybe we really are a great nation and should remind ourselves of this every now and again.
