Saturday, January 29, 2011

Experts on Egypt

From Sisu: "Ambassador John Bolton is putting cold water to this growing sense among the media that this is a “pro-democracy movement.” This is a nation that has not seen democracy in centuries …

This is a protest percolated by the Muslim Brotherhood. As Big Peace revealed on its blog, What Do the Egyptian Crowds Want? Caliphate Dreams and Strict Sharia." Any time John Bolton speaks, I listen.

But wait, here is someone who belittles Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann, and who tells us in this clip that the Panama Canal is in Egypt! I give you Chris Matthews! What would he say if either Palin or Bachmann made such a mistake?

1 comment:

  1. Iran has the money and the power. They are behind most of this. That's not to say Iran will succeed. The Egyptians may pleasantly surprise us.
