Sunday, January 02, 2011

A Christmas play (better late than never)

Tonight the three younger children were ready for me when I came home from work. First, Sara put on a show featuring original lyrics, (and how!) singing and dancing. In the middle of the performance Greg came over to me and whispered, "Is this supposed to be the Nativity?" He asked that because the lyrics featured the baby Jesus, cats, chickens, dogs, and a turkey. One of the cats became a pony. One line I remember: "Jesus was born with lovely hair, and He can wear underwear." A "big, fat Monster" took off the horse's head, which became a worm.

No worries. The next scene was "Here come the angels nice and small, sitting in a tree." Next came the beautiful Princess who happily lived with the King of Birth."
In the next scene, darkness covers the Earth, and Mrs. Meaniehead arrives on stage. "I'm a good girl, but people say I'm mean, that I just care about me, me, me!" "Then came the final gift of death: the world is horrible and my mean little kitten hisses."

At this point the boys had had enough, and tried to disrupt the performance. Undaunted, Sara warned, "If you get in this room, and you are a little boy, you will be kissed, and you'll turn into a little fat frog. Then you'll turn into a little tiny woman, and my cat will eat you up! And that's the end of the world!"

Next scene: "Here comes the beautiful Princess of Love. Kiss her nice. There is no such thing as a fairy, so they'll fly away and Santa Claus will bring you presents if you've been good, loving, and sharing." "Welcome everyone. It's Christmas time. The party is just beginning. Can't you see these lovely reed flutes?"


  1. I like the way she thinks.

  2. Dude, this junk is just precious. Seriously. I read the Santa Claus play, too.

    Memories are made of this.

