Sunday, November 21, 2010

Where are the do-gooders now?

Remember when every good liberal in America and Europe proudly joined with Nelson Mandela to end apartheid in South Africa? Since then the ANC (African National Congress) has been in power for 16 years, unemployment is now 25.3%, ANC leaders have supported Robert Mugabe's African auto-genocide in Zimbabwe, there are rolling electricity blackouts, and the ANC has completely denied the country's HIV problem.

A new book detailing all of this and more has been written by R.W. Johnson of the London Sunday Times, and it is reviewed in the Wall Street Journal here by Grame Wood. Where are the do-gooders now?


  1. Liberals are what I call the best fair-weather friends you can have. They'll cheer on all the wrong people at all the wrong times for all the wrong reasons and then race off to another over-the-top reaction.

  2. Terri,
    It is so good to have you back commenting again. I was worried I had lost you.

  3. Was on vacation yahoo in the snowy northwest and loving it.
