Thursday, November 18, 2010

Does TSA have a new trainee?

I don't know if this is rumor or fact, but there is a news story saying that Bill Clinton has volunteered to work for the TSA. This photo would seem to lend credence to the rumor that he is currently in training.


  1. I have already informed all the ladies in my family that they are not to wear blue dresses when we travel for Thanksgiving!

  2. Heh! That got me to chuckling, and I can't stop. Seriously...

    Nyuk...I can just see Bubba feeling up on the chicks...


    Heh! My word verification is: terrify

    Seriously, I'm taking a screen shot of it. Nyuk...

  3. OH brother, I just experienced the whole fully body scanner on a trip west and I still feel both violated and Clinton??? Somehow I find this creepy not funny. Maybe I'm not able to laugh about it right now.
