Friday, October 22, 2010

Hickenlooper talks about the "backwards thinking in rural western communities"

I think Tancredo just gained a few more percentage points. Hick's comments about backwards thinking rural westerners begin at the 1:55 point in the tape.


  1. All Hick had to do was stay quiet and he was going to run even with Tancredo. What a moron. And he thinks us out on the plains are morons? What does this make him?

  2. what annoys me about poor Shepherd's death is two things:
    One, the thugs who killed him were thugs, not church goers, but his death was blamed on "christians".

    Two: The dirty little secret is that Shepherd had been beaten before. He "liked" what is called the "rough trade".

    sigh. These folks need our prayers, but as a doc, I have to wonder at the censorship of normal sexuality in the press, the promotion of weird sex, and the coverup of the reality of the male gay lifestyle.

  3. Frankly Boinky I think it's a satanic device to make us believe the battle is just not worth fighting anymore, we can't win, throw in the towel, blah blah blah. And Satan uses it because it's effective. I'll go down fighting for a traditional family.
