Wednesday, September 01, 2010

"Search for answers everywhere; we will be the key."

I am one who listens regularly, albeit not for long stretches at a time, to Glenn Beck's talk radio show. You may have noticed that he held a rally on August 28 at the Lincoln Memorial that was attended by hundreds of thousands of people. The coverage in the Denver Post said "tens of thousands," in the first pages, but then admitted in paragraph thirteen, the next-to-last paragraph, that it was between 300,000 (archrival NBC's estimate), and 500,000 (Beck's people's estimate).

Now, the columns are flying. Today's Denver Post devotes one-half page to two columns ridiculing Beck and his supporters. Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post calls Beck a person who has poisoned American political discourse. Look in vain for any factual basis for Capehart's claims. Kathleen Parker ridicules Beck's recovering alcoholic and addict background, and the fact that he is now rich. A Miami Herald cartoonist alleges that Beck has replaced Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" with "I have a scream."

Let's see now, what exactly is Beck standing for? Living an honorable life. Worshipping and praising God. Restoring individual responsibility. Strengthening America. Exposing evil and corruption. Uniting people of all faiths and political parties to promote faith, hope and charity. Yeah, I can see why he makes the left so nervous.

1 comment:

  1. You know his TV shows this week show that Beck himself was impressed with US. That's the real story in this...US came and were polite, kind, gracious and left the area clean. BTW my mom who went said everyone in the metro kept saying wow you guys are great. That's the America I know.
