Do you experience joy? Where does it come from? Inside you? Yes, but what if you are a Christian? What part does God play?
Do you recognize thoughts and behaviors that lead you in the opposite direction from joy? Where do those thoughts and resultant behaviors come from? Could it be Satan?
What are your traps; the thoughts you entertain that lead you away from joy, away from God? Mine emanate from self pity. Lately I have experienced some heartbreak and sadness. If I catch myself becoming flooded with those emotions and thoughts, I bring them to God. I ask for His Holy Spirit to lead me away from the temptations those thoughts invite. Guess what? He does!
Block out Satan. Don't even let him get near you. He's bad news!
Because of our sinful natures, the whole process begins again the next hour, day, week, or month, depending on the nature and frequencies of the temptations, and our willingness to trust God. I am finding that the more willing I am to trust Him, the more I see that He really will lead and guide me, and the less likely I am to get snagged in the temptations.
The trick Satan uses with me is to get me so stressed out by trying to do way too much that doesn't matter a hill of beans (where did that expression come from anyway?). I've learned to stop, pray and ask God to help me sort out the important things and leave the rest to Him. That can an be hourly chore though. I'm really good at falling in the trap.