Thursday, September 09, 2010

Fed up with appeasement

Talk radio has a real lively issue today: the Florida pastor's desire to burn the Qu'ran tomorrow. Judging by the calls I have heard, there is widespread support for this idea. People are tired of what they perceive as our country's kowtowing to muslims. There can be no doubt that Obama is an appeaser, and that he is solidly supported in these endeavors by the dinosaur media, and that a large segment of Americans are fed up with it.


  1. You know, Bob, I'm glad you said that. I thought it was just me. I keep hearing "unnecessary provocation". Really?

    What's provocative about it? If some muslim cleric wants to burn a Bible, does anybody think that Christians are going to be provoked to violence? Is a person who burns a New Testament or a copy of the Torah going to need security to protect him? If Jesus is depicted in some degrading way in a cartoon, does anybody think Christians will do anything worse than pray for the soul of the cartoonist?

    Saying that burning a Koran is provocative is admitting that Islam fosters a violent and intolerant worldview.

  2. You nailed it Bob. I heard the same response. We all agree it's distasteful and disrepectful, but we're just sick of the whole darn appeasement strategery.

  3. it's not about Islam, it is the media using this nonsense as "bigotry" to destroy the Republicans/teaparty types.
