Thursday, September 09, 2010

Blood-sucking relationships

There are many things happening in today's world that I do not understand. Close to the top of the list is people's fascination with vampires. In times like this, when money is tight, to say the least, how is it that so many people spend their limited discretionary funds on books, movies, and cable t.v. shows that glorify blood-sucking relationships?

Who on Madison Avenue is behind this? How did so many people get this addiction? If any reader of this blog has any insight into this phenomena, I would really appreciate hearing from you. It is not just teenage girls; the phenomena has a solid grip on adults, too. It seems to be mainly females, though, who are caught up in this. Why?

Colleen thinks it is about risk. A woman knows that a relationship involves risk, but she also thinks she can change the wild beast and domesticate him. Does she secretly hope that by engaging in romantic love with that man, the risk will be contained? Kind like a romance novel with extra bite.


  1. I wouldn't say it's a recent thing, the Twilight craze has just really shoved it in your face. TV shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel ran for 7 and 5 seasons respectively (and continue on in graphic novels), and before that there was Anne Rice. I think the attraction (so far as Twilight goes) is that the relationship appeals to the desire to be the center of someone's universe: Bella goes catatonic when Edward isn't around, Edward practically starves himself to avoid leaving her alone, etc. It isn't a particularly healthy relationship, but how many people today would recognize a healthy relationship if it fell in their laps?

  2. Colleen is right. For women romantic novels/movies has always been about the risk: the guy you know is wrong for you but that promises so much that the risk seems worth it. FTR however I find much more to admire in the Luke Skywalkers of the world.

  3. While not big into it, I do know the novels were well written. I read them. There is NO graphic s.*.x in them, it is all snuggly kind of love. There's angst, there's jealousy, and a decent plot line. I don't think it was vampires itself as much as a good book that is so far from reality but well written that people got carried away. And others exploited it. Normal human reactions.

  4. Angela,
    You make some really good points, especially the last one. I am honored that you follow my blog.

    Do you know the Janet Evanovich novels? She has written a wonderful book entitled How I Write.

    A snuggly kind of love is what I long for.
