Sunday, August 29, 2010

Some thoughts to ponder

After reading Christopher Buckley's Supreme Courtship, I wanted more of Mr. Buckley's wonderful insights. I spent a little time with his Washington Schlepped Here, a wonderful walking tour of our nation's capital. Then I picked up Florence of Arabia, which is chock full of delicious ideas about how America could really make a difference in the Middle East. Now I am reading his wonderful memoir Losing Mom and Pup, which is about the lives and deaths of his two famous parents, both of whom died in the same year recently.

Here are some quotes that were meaningful to me as I began reading the last book. "Industry is the enemy of melancholy," a phrase penned by Oscar Wilde, is a thought most meaningful to me right now as I am in the midst of a major loss.

"The most beautiful words in the language are "I'm Sorry." Christopher Buckley.

Medical malpractice suits are declining, because doctors are learning how to say, "I'm sorry." (an article in the New York Times)

"Demons slipping their leash" a phrase used by Buckley in the book.

"I've searched all my life for the perfect Christian...and I've found him: a non-observant Jew!" (I can't remember whom that quote is from).

In today's Denver Post there are these tips for staying positive at work from Sonia Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness, A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want." Each of these points are expanded upon in her book, but here is the list:
Embrace gratitude
Commit random acts of kindness
Be optimistic
Reach out to others
Refuse to ruminate.

The Post article includes three more tips:
Plant something and nurture it.
Give yourself a treat every day, and take the time to really enjoy it.
Have a good laugh at least once a day (I need many more than one per day).

1 comment:

  1. Industry is the enemy of melancholy better than pills?
