Friday, August 20, 2010

Should we "tolerate an ideology that would end our ability to tolerate?"

Perhaps the hottest topic of the day is the mosque two blocks from Ground Zero. Greg Gutfeld has some very spot-on observations on the subject.

"So when the chips are down, Barack Obama is less a President than a lawyer, carefully parsing out manicured statements, designed to straddle fences."

"The fear of appearing insensitive is driving our government's behavior, which scares the crap out of me. Funny how we are asked to tolerate an ideology that would end our ability to tolerate, period."

"the progressive word of the decade: tolerance. They are demanding that we tolerate a doctrine that enforces intolerance. And if you don't tolerate intolerance, then you, in fact, are intolerant. You are a bigot, for rejecting bigotry."

A concommitant debate is also taking place on whether or not Barack Obama is a Muslim. It seems to be a choice of either a Christian believer in Black Liberation Theology ala his minister for twenty years, Reverend Wright, or his earlier training in the Muslim faith. C. Edmund Wright notes in the American Thinker that "we were required to have enough suspension of belief to count Black Liberation Theology as Christian in the first place. Right. Never mind Jeremiah Wright's relationship with and support of Louis Farrakhan."

I would just like to see Obama stand up for America. Please? Just once?

1 comment:

  1. I wholeheartedly agree. The good news is everyone is starting to question the wisdom in electing Obama. Too bad really...he could have made this a truly historic presidency. Now I think I'll stick with old white guys giggle until Sarah makes a run for it.
