Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Highly Recommended Recent Reads

I just finished The Supreme Courtship by Christoper Buckley. It offers hilarious insight into our American culture. A good-guy President of the United States vetoes every spending bill sent to him by Congress. Congress gets back at him by refusing to confirm first one stellar nominee to the Supreme court, then another who is equally well-qualified to serve. One night, while lying in bed with his faithful dog, the president is channel-surfing and comes across one of the most popular American television shows, featuring a beautiful, witty judge. Voila! He has got the answer to his dillema! He offers Congress the nomination of Pepper Cartwright. What follows is one hilarious scene after another. The son of William F. Buckley is an amazingly witty writer. I had read only one other book by him, entitled Thank You For Smoking, about the hypocritical cigarrette company executives. That one was made into a movie, which I have not seen. I want to read every book this man writes (or has written).

Now I am re-reading Mark Steyn's brilliant book America Alone. As Saul Alinsky was fond of saying, "Do you want to live in the world as it is, or the world as you would like it to be?" Steyn should be required reading for anyone who wants to understand the world as it is.

1 comment:

  1. Now that was a book review bob. I'm gonna find that book and read it.
