Sunday, July 25, 2010

Which is the greater temptation: "over-repentance" or self-deception?

Ted Haggard tells Wall Street Journal reporter Stephanie Simon that he "over-repented." The article in today's WSJ tells how Haggard has built a new congregation of nearly 200 people, who are no longer meeting in his barn on Sundays, but are renting space at a Colorado Springs community center. Haggard says he now "cusses," and people freely confide in him with stories of their own troubles, something which Haggard says never happened when he was pastor of the New Life megachurch there. I can understand that last point. I agree with Mark Twain, who said something to the effect that there is nothing more insufferable than a Christian holding four aces.

Haggard says he founded the new church as an act of "humble repentance," and if it would have been out of arrogance, he would have gone to Iowa and gotten a job in a farm bureau coop somewhere, changed his name, and never be heard from again. Huh?

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