We are all trying to figure out how to get our country back on track again. Rush Limbaugh has evolved some interesting theories about "the ruling class," which includes leaders of both political parties, and the "country class," which is all the rest of us. He notes, for example, that Trent Lott, who was pushed out of his Republican leadership position by relentless Democrat and media opposition, has been well-taken-care-of in his new position as a lobbyist in Washington. Lott, typical of the GOP leaders of recent years, has expressed far more concern about the Tea Party activists possibly sending conservatives to Congress in November, than he ever expressed about far-left Democrats.
Rush reminds us of the horror elitist "country club Republicans" expressed about the rise of Ronald Reagan, but there was nothing they could do about it, because Reagan just kept winning election after election, as governor, then as president. You see, in America, we the people really do have the power in the final analysis, because that is the way our founders set things up.
Well at least so far. I think I agree with a later post of yours (I'm reading them backwards), our country as we know it is about to be over if we don't do something.