Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Are we conservatives guilty of going to excess sometimes in our use of words? For example, here in Colorado there are three ballot proposals to try to cut government spending. One is Amendment 61. It has provisions to prohibit state borrowing and limit local governments to borrowing for only ten years and only with voter approval. This amendment, say opponents, would disallow the state to replace structurally deficient bridges, and we won't be able to build modern facilities at our colleges.

To do that construction work, the state issues bonds. Not once is the word bonding used in the wording of the ammendment; however seven times it uses the word "borrowing." Another example of the choice of words to manipulate us; this time, though, it is coming from the right, not the left. As an independent American, I don't want to be manipulated by either side.

I am glad I have not been prohibited from borrowing. I certainly would not be living in this home, or the one before this, or the one before that. Why should I expect the state to pay cash for big ticket items, when I don't? Sounds kind of hypocritical.

1 comment:

  1. Was it written by lawyers? I'm beginning to think either side they do that to deliberately confuse us so we give up and let them have their way.
