The head of New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia and another man block the entrance to polling places in Philadelphia on election day 2008. The Bush attorney general files charges. The New Black Panthers do not even bother to show up in court to answer the charges. Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, drops the charges. These men are free to continue intimidating people in the next election and in all the days leading up to the elections.
Bill O' Reilly just cannot bring himself to believe that Barack Obama is behind the decison to drop the charges. The civil rights attorney O'Relly interviews believes it, and I agree with everything this lawyer says in this video. Like him, I fought against the racism that prevailed in this country until Martin Luther King had a dream, and LBJ and Everett Dirkson finally succeeded in making the words of the founders ("all men are created equal") become law of the land.
In the next video, Glenn Beck shows some video of the same head of the Philadephia New Black Panther Party raging at fellow blacks who are mixing with whites at a festival.
Glenn Beck plans to hold a rally on the mall in Washington on the anniversary of the MLK "I have a dream" speech in August. The New Black Panthers say they will be there.
Of course, Martin Luther King fought for people to be recognized for the content of their character, not for the hate that spewed forth from their mouths. I think it is despicable that Obama/Holder decided to drop the charges against these thugs. This lawyer is absolutely right that they dropped the charges for political reasons, in order to allow the ACORN and New Black Panther types to continue to harass voters.
Ok this may sound spiteful but it's funny on many levels. The "crackers" down here are just itching for him to come on down here and call us crackers. Which shouldn't that be considered as nasty as the "n" word has become? Just saying'