Saturday, June 12, 2010

"Power Hungry"

Energy and power are certainly in the news these days. Remember when we were told that oil would soon be depleted? This gulf oil spill seems to indicate that there is no danger of depletion any time soon! There is a new book entitled Power Hungry by Robert Bryce, which apparently takes a comprehensive look at our energy and power needs and usages. It is reviewed extensively by Jon Boone here. Apparently, Mr. Bryce recommends we get on with the task of developing our natural gas fields, then on to more nuclear power.


  1. I've been on to nuclear for years. Even Europe has tagged on to it...what's our hangup?

  2. Americans are Nuclear-Phobic...

    I mean, look at the oil spill. The Russians know how to fix this: set off a small nuker nearby, the compressive wave will seal the pipe closed. They have this ten times with nine successes. The one time it did not fully succeed, it cut the flow in half...

    But we won't think of that, and neither will Obama. Because we are so afraid of nuclear, we'll do anything to avoid it.

    And the one thing here that cracks me up? CLEAN COAL? CLEAN? COAL? You're kidding, right?
