Thursday, June 24, 2010

An "out of control sex-crazed poodle"

People magaizine reports that "An Oregon masseuse filed a complaint last year accusing Al Gore of sexual abuse following a nearly three-hour massage session at an upscale Portland hotel in 2006, reports the Portland Oregonian." "The alleged incident took place at the Hotel Lucia Oct. 24, after the masseuse, 54, was called by the hotel to administer a late night massage to a "VIP" client, who was later identified as Gore, 62, the former U.S. Vice President, senator from Tennessee and Nobel Prize-winning advocate for the environment."

The unidentified woman, who has been a masseuse for 12 years, filed the accusations Jan. 8, 2009, alleging Gore, who checked into the hotel as Mr. Stone and was 30 minutes late for his 10:30 p.m. in-room appointment, sexually assaulted her in his hotel room by forcing repeated, unwanted sexual touches.

"He pleaded, groped me, grabbed me, engulfed me in embrace, tongue kissed me, massaged me, grabbed my breasts," the woman says in her detailed complaint to Portland police officers and posted by the Fox 12 Oregon TV station.

At one point, she says Gore pinned her down, resulting in an injury to her left leg and knee, and which required medical care for several months.

Gore, she says, was so persistent that she called him a "sex-crazed poodle" for being "out of control." The writer of this blog post has owned several poodles, and is offended by this characterization of the breed. I have never had a poodle who acted this way.

"The woman, who says she notified two friends following Gore's alleged groping, also saved the black pants she wore after discovering stains following the session. Since the alleged incident, the masseuse says she has been traumatized, has trouble sleeping at night, and that her work has been "more stressful and frightening since the incident." She is also seeing a specialized counselor."

Oh, and one more thing: if this was reported by the masseuse one and one-half years ago to the Portland police, why has it just now been reported by the media? Do reporters not routinely review police reports?

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