Wednesday, June 23, 2010

No longer "General Betrayus?"

Obama has appointed General Petraeus to succeed General McCrystal as head of the Afghanistan war. Remember when the George Soros funded group purchased a full page ad in the New York Times calling Petraeus "General Betrayus"? Remember when Hillary Clinton accused General Petraeus of being a liar? That was when General Petraeus was explaining to Congress the need for a surge (which policy was funded and succeeded in Iraq). Now, however, Obama says Petraeus has his "full confidence." What changed? When did that happen? Obama was a huge critic of Petraeus during the hearings on the proposed surge. Now Petraeus has his full confidence? I'm confused.

1 comment:

  1. I think it would be difficult except men in the military who know Pretraius say he's a very sharp fellow who would never allow a Rolling Stone reporter near him. Course I still think McChrystal knew what he was's the why I'd like to know.
