I am so glad Cliff Stewart posted at the Kingdom Triangle Network News Service the video of Dennis Prager's remarks about the U.N. When I was living in Texas in the 1960s, I used to see billboards which said: ""GET THE U.S. OUT OF THE U.N.!. The billboards were put up by the John Birch Society, and I thought they were extreme, if not ridiculous. No longer. Now I think we should engage in a discussion of the pros and cons of getting out of the U.N.
The latest outrage was the U.N.'s condemnation of Israel for stopping a boatload of jihadist thugs, twenty of whom had posted martyr videos prior to leaving on their "humanitarian" voyage to Gaza, fifty of whom have now been identified as known terrorists. The U.N. "Security" Council urgently convened to condemn Israel for its act of self defense, while Iran now has developed enough uranium for two nuclear bombs, and the U.N. is completely ineffectual at stopping Iran.
Glenn Beck has a five part video series on You Tube about Israel and this so-called "freedom flotilla." I especially recommend parts four and five, if you are pressed for time. I was unable to embed it here, perhaps because I am still learning how to use the borrowed computer.
Beck was right on the money with this one. I so totally agree with him. The UN was a "fine" idea but not workable. Past time to get out, we can use the money and the land to better purposes.