Tonight's bedtime story for six-year-old Sara touched on the subject of rules. I couldn't resist asking her to recite for me what the rules are at school and at home. Keep in mind that she was sleepy, but she did come up with the ones listed below.
At School: Don't be mean to people. I asked her what that meant. She replied, "sticking out your tongue at people, pushing people down, calling people stupid." Don't push in line (that rule has been one that has been emphasized for many generations, I think). Don't be rude. Don't dig in the dirt. Don't throw wood chips at people. Don't push people in the wood chips. Do not be too difficult for the teachers to handle.
At home: Don't get mud on the floor. Don't yell. Don't talk too much. Do not stare. Do not punch people. Do not be difficult for your parents to handle (that means, "if your parents tell you to do something, and then you don't do it, and you scream at them, that makes it difficult for them to be around you.")
I think she ought to write a book about her rules. They are hysterical.