President Obama and at least a half dozen of his top cabinet officials are saying that his administration was on top of it from day one," referring to the gulf oil spill. Sean Hannity asks why they did not require that the oil be burned off soon after the explosion occurred. But Hannity is an expected critic; the Sierra Club and the New York Times are the unexpected critics.
Now Obama admits that ordinary citizens played a vital role in the capture of the Islamic radical Pakistani American fool who tried to detonate a bomb in his newly purchased van parked in front of the building which houses Comedy Central, producers of South Park, which showed Mohammed in a bear costume. Rush Limbaugh wonders if now it is okay for ordinary citizens in Arizona also to be vigilant?
The biggest fool in all of these events has to be New York mayor Bloomberg. Interviewed by Katie Couric, Bloomberg assumed that they would find that the would-be bomber would probably turn out to be someone who was upset about health care legislation.
Then there is Colorado's own Ken Salazar, talking about putting a "jackboot to the throat" of British Petroleum. Rush wonders when we are going to put a jackboot to the throat of Islamic terrorists.
From the's a mad, mad world.