Today's nationwide rallys by raised-fisted illegal immigrants were on my mind yesterday. I asked a woman who was speaking with an accent where she was originally from. "Romania," she answered immediately. She then told me how her husband worked hard to earn enough money to hire surreptitiously a USA attorney, while the couple still resided in Romania. The attorney arranged for the couple to come legally to the U.S. Had the communist leaders of Romania had any inkling that the couple planned to escape, they would have thrown the couple in jail. After five years in the U.S., the man and woman became proud, legal U.S citizens.
The woman told me she is deeply saddened at the direction Obama and pals are taking this country. "Socialism has not worked anywhere it has been tried," she asserted. Furthermore, she told me that she was not at all surprised that Obama is a socialist. I asked her what made her see through his b.s. She said that it was his unwillingness to be transparent about his personal history (unwillingness to reveal his passport, original birth certificate, college records, memories of church membership in Rev. Wright's "Goddamn America" palace, etc.) I asked her how she keeps informed. She said, "Glenn Beck." She lamented the fact that Americans do not know what is happening, since few of us have ever lived under socialism.
She is so right. And so is Beck.