Sunday, April 04, 2010

"That was pretty much it."

Kudos to Al Lewis, writing today in the Dow Jones Newswire. Lewis decided to cover a rally of Tea Party activists, who are traveling across the country from west to east. In Colorado the rally was at the state capitol in Denver.

Lewis came across two "skinny youths." One was holding up a pro-Obama sign, and the other a pro-Pelosi sign. Lewis decided to talk with them. Turns out they were students at the University of Denver, and they had been influenced by the media to believe that Tea Partyers were "nutcases." Instead, what they discovered was that these Tea Partyers were people who believe in freedom, liberty, and the "well-justified wariness we should all have of Big Government, irresponsible spending, and the crushing tax burdens that inevitably follow." Lewis continues: "It's also about the right to confront our often misguided and self-dealing leaders. And it honors individual rights of expression and dissent." In other words, they are all about the Constitution!

While he was talking to the young men, a state trooper "quite abruptly" asked them to move away from the Tea Partyers. The Tea Partyers yelled, "Free Speech," and defended the rights of the young men to wave their signs.

Later, Lewis asked the young men their names. One turned out to be the nephew of Colorado's Democrat governor. Lewis said, "so, let me get this straight. A Colorado state trooper, who works for your uncle, told you to get off the lawn of the building where your uncle works, because of the sign you were holding that supports your uncle's political party?"

The governor's nephew agreed "that was pretty much it."


  1. I don't know whether to be amused or enraged over the profiling of tea partiers...esp since I am one.

  2. As the Tea Party movement continues to grow, the media feels the neccessity do something about it. They have been lying and distorting facts about the TPM since it began and it continues to grow, musch to their horror. So, I believe they have decided to try something very novel for them. Telling the truth. Now that is scary.
