I listened to Rush today in bits and pieces, as I do almost every day. He was addressing illegal immigration. I guess I am one of those "weak Republicans" he was talking about. From the moment I met my first migrant family working the fields in West Texas in the 1960s, I have always admired and liked Mexicans. I know there is a terrible criminal element there, but isn't that part of the reason so many of them want to escape and come to America? I also respect the people of Arizona, who felt they had to do something to protect their border, since the federal government has done so little to protect them. Times are different now than the sixties. The people-smuggling and drug-smuggling criminals are extremely dangerous, and must be stopped.
I just know that if I were in the shoes of the average Mexican, I would want to come to America to take advantage of the lax border to enjoy America's freedom, safety, and opportunities. I hate to see the politicians get involved, because the Democrats will try to convince the immigrants that they "care" about them. I believe Rush is right that the only thing the Democrats care about is power and control, and voting blocs. The Republicans, too, have blatant political motives. I don't trust Scott McInnis, the guy running for the Republican nomination for Governor of Colorado, who suddenly says he would support legislation in Colorado similar to that which Arizona recently passed. I think he saw the same poll Rush was talking about, showing that 70 percent of Arizona voters support the legislation, and another poll showing that the majority of Americans support the law, even though the "template" of the media is to criticize the law as racist and Nazi-like.
Unfortunately, I do think racism is involved, and I hate to admit it, because you know Obama will portray it that way, too. That is how the Democrats operate, trying to get large voting blocs to see themselves as victims and turn to their "helpers" in the Democrat party, who are only too happy to keep them dependent on Democrats' empty promises and/or welfare programs.
I think Rush is also right that if La Raza and other Latino groups go ahead with their plans for huge angry demonstrations the first week of May, it will produce a backlash from large numbers of Americans who are fed up with Democrat attempts to redistribute their hard-earned wealth and blatantly play groups of people against one another.
I've felt for a long time we ought to annex Mexico and clean it up...then they won't need to flee to America. It's a shame they don't clean up their own country like we are trying to do here.