Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Was she evicted because she refused to take down her Peeps display?

If you work retail, you cannot help but notice that our sacred holidays have been reduced to the lowest form of stupidity. We are coming up on Easter April 4th. This is the holiday of Peeps! I have a new heroine. Her name is Carol Burdick, and she lives in the Peoples Republic of Boulder, Colorado. Heath Urie wrote about Ms. Burdick this month in the Boulder Camera. Ms. Burdick claims that her landlord kicked her out because she would not take down her Easter decorations last year, which included the "bunny-shaped sugar-coated marshmallow candies attached to the top of her door."

My fellow blogger (and fellow Wal-Mart cashier) Cliff Stewart and I have been talking about this phenomena of how we reduce our most sacred holidays to something totally unrelated to their sacred meanings, and we have talked about writing about this phenomena. Cliff has a wonderful blog listed on the right side of my blog. His is entitled JavaJazzJesus. He recently wrote a series of wonderful posts about St. Patrick, whose holiday we just celebrated by wearing green and getting drunk. I heartily recommend you go by Cliff's blog and read some wonderful theology from a man who is anything but holier than thou.

Anyway, Ms. Burdick's trial begins in Boulder on March 30. The issue is "whether Peeps are a sugary symbol of artistic expression - or garbage." Do you think Cliff and I should make the long drive to Boulder to cover this trial? According to Urie, Ms. Burdick has scheduled witnesses from throughout the state who have an affinity for Peeps. The list of witnesses includes a Littleton couple who won a Peeps diorama contest and a Denver man who hosts an annual Peeps-themed barbeque.

We may find that there is more to this complicated court case if Cliff and I get to digging around and doing some investigative blogging. For example, the landlord says Ms. Burdick was evicted solely because she did not pay her rent.


  1. Why you may not have meant to be funny...I had to laugh when I read your post. Though the fact that it really is going to trial is scary... like hot coffee in the lap at mcDs. BTW, I hate peeps... nasty tasting things. Good ol' milk chocolate please. GRIN

  2. I'd check into the whole story first...then if it's as she claims and over peeps (I'm with you VW) then go for it. We've got to stand up and be loud. Although it didn't seem to do much good on the healthcare issue.

  3. So the Peeps perp wasn't marked paid? No rent/No tent.

    BTW, I love Peeps. Always have, but I/we do our celebrating of Easter in church. Much like we did with the kids, my wife keeps me quiet in the pew with promises of baskets full of Peeps when we get home from church. Of course there are cookies for the ride home. Always!

  4. I found this text in the ancient files of lost and suppressed books of the so-called pseudapigrypha. It is an ancient prophecy of the confession of the pseudo-apostle Todd, Son of Gregor, The Wine-Bibber,:

        "For when upon your tongue a Peep you taste,
         A soul from purgatory to Hell makes haste!"
    (II Obtusias 8:11 & 12)

    To find out more go to JavaJazzJesus and read All About Peeps. You will be shocked to learn the truth!

  5. Put a Peep into hydrochloric acid...the body dissolves, but not the eyes. The eyes stay forever!

  6. it says a lot about chemical preservatives to know that the peeps remain on the door, without getting eaten by rats and ants...
