Thursday, February 25, 2010

Do we even know who our enemy is?

Bret Stephens writes a provocative column in the February 16 Wall Street Journal about Major Hasan, the killer of 13 and wounder of 30 at Fort Hood. The Defense Department has released a report entitled "Lessons from Fort Hood." The fall guys are eight medical officers, whose military careers likely will be coming to an end, because they failed to pass him over for promotion and push him out the door, even though they knew he was a radicalized Muslim. Stephens asks the provocative question: suppose they would have acted and charged him with intent to commit murder? After all, he had made threats, and they thought he was psychotic. If that would have happened, he would have become "a civil-liberties martyr." In the entire report, there is not even a one-time mention of Islam.

1 comment:

  1. What is that old saying: we have met the enemy and he is us?
