Saturday, January 30, 2010

Unmitigated Gall!

President Obama says he is going to "freeze government spending." In fact, he is going to freeze one-half of one percent of government spending. The average Joe and Jane watching the speech do not know that. They think if the President says something, then it surely must be true. Unmitigated gall. Slowly, but surely, the American people will catch on.


  1. Not only that, he's not going to implement the freeze until "next year." Which I'm sure is about as reliable as last year's assertions that he would have Gitmo closed by this January. (Not that I'm disappointed about him breaking that particular promise, but it shows how reliable his assertions are)

  2. Actually based on MA and VA and NJ, I think it's safe to say the American people have caught on to Obama and his trickery and have rejected it.
