Thursday, December 17, 2009

A hand print and a poem

This hand print poem was obviously written by Sara's teacher. We have never been concerned about handprints anywhere. Moreover, you can see by the size of this handprint that she is not small. She is at least one full head taller than any other child in her class. The pediatrician informed us that she is in the 97th percentile in both height and weight. She has not an ounce of fat on her. We think Shaquille O'Neil may be her birthfather.

She also can hold her own against her brothers and me in games of Connect Four. Like Shaquille, she knows how to block the other player's moves!


  1. Make sure she stays that way, ha. She'll need too. My great niece is big for her age without an ounce of fat...maybe that's the wave of the future no more shorties like me.

  2. We can identify with a lot of them.
