Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pretentious Elitism

While we are comparing the National Enquirer with supposedly more professional "news" magazines like Time, I want to make one more point. Who was it that alerted us to the fact that John Edwards, the pretentious elitist who ran as V.P. candidate with perhaps the most pretentious elitist ever to appear on the American political scene, John Kerry, was screwing around on his wife while she was supporting him, despite the fact that she was suffering with cancer? That's right, it was the National Enquirer.

Okay, maybe Al Gore equals Kerry in pretentious elitism. Mike Rosen has more on that subject in today's Denver Post.


  1. Ooohhh what a fun game Bob. Who's the most elist there is? My first vote is Obama but Gore and Kerry are close seconds.

  2. Awesome post - I really like your blog!!

  3. I thought it was interesting after Obama selected Biden as his VP. He went around toting the idea that it was a great pick and it demonstrated how good a President he would be evidenced by this first pick, conveying how discerning he is in the appointment process. ARE YOU KIDDING ME.....? This guy turned into a dope just like all these other mal-contents and losers in the CZAR position.

    Do you recall during the campaign when everyone was "discussing" how Obama would be in economics and he said that he should be judged by the people he is associated with. Of course at the time he was trotting out Warren Buffet and Volcker whenever possible.

    Well now Buffet is off the reservation with his own doubts about Obamanomics and Vocker has been relegated to the cellar as an advisor in favor of multiple avowed Marxist(their term not mine). Next Stop Lauderdale...........

  4. There is a South Park episode about a cloud of "smug" coming over Colorado from people who think they are superior for driving hybrids. The problem is that there is another cloud of "smug" over Southern California coming from the moment of George Clooney's Oscar acceptance speech, and both clouds are about to merge into one giant cloud of SUPER-SMUG that would cover the whole western region. Of course, this episode was written before the Obama administration was even a mere smug-cloud the size of a man's hand. But now we are enveloped in a MEGA-SMUG-SUPER-CELL that has covered the entire United States and now threatens the entire world, and Norway. Pretentious Elitism, or SUPER-MEGA-ULTRA-SMUG?!

  5. Next Stop,
    It is great to hear from you! Buffet now has $2 billion invested in Wal-Mart, proof that he has regained his senses.

    Cliff is the guy who turned me on to Herbert Schlossberg. He is a co-worker, and, as you can read, has a wonderful sense of humor. I highly recommend his blog, too.

  6. If you would like to see Herbert Schlossberg talk a bit about Idols For Destruction go to youtube and search for him. But if you're like me and can't type Schlossberg without having to do it five times, go here: link:
    Very informative.

  7. One advantage the tabloids have is that they don't have to worry about being PC, so they can tell the truths that the MSM doesn't dare to tell.
