Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Religious intolerance?

Last night my wife and I were celebrating our son's twentieth birthday with him, and Colleen was telling him about a recent incident at our farm. Our partner in the farm lives up the road from us. She called Colleen one day and said she was bringing over some people who wanted one of our male goats. It turns out that the guests were Muslims, and they wanted to slaughter a goat that had not been dehorned or deballed. We had one. Colleen held out her hand to say hello to them, but the man said, "I don't touch women." Colleen asked if they thought she had cooties, or if he was obeying Sharia law. He explained that Muslim men are not allowed to touch women who are not their relatives.

The men tied up the goat and faced him toward the north, and went back to their car to get their knives. Colleen asked God to forgive her for what was about to happen on our property and made the sign of the cross over the goat and baptized him in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Our son, who has now been out of the home for three years, is being indoctrinated by liberals. He thought the way Colleen was telling the story of the goat-slaughter indicated that she was being intolerant to the religious views of others. Muslims, tolerant? We believe God allowed His only Son to be sacrificed, thus no further sacrifices of animals are necessary. We further believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that through Him our sins are forgiven when we repent, and we worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The very first tenet of our ten commandments is that we shall worship no other Gods than the one, true God. Does that make us intolerant?


  1. First, let me tell your son 'Happy Late Birthday!'

    As for the other stuff...how are you being intolerant when you permitted them to do what they did? Did you tell them to leave and take their blasphemy somewhere else?

    No. You're not intolerant.

    On the other hand, you would not have been allowed to practice your Christian rites in a Muslim country for fear of persecution and death.

  2. Mrs. Who has it right. Your son is supposed to feel this way at 20...I was certainly liberal at 20. Well, looking back, liberal about some things mostly needling my parents about their beliefs, ha. As far as this goat thingy more power to you and Collen, I'm afraid I would have been nope no way ain't gonna happen on my property. I realize for me to have meat this takes place...but I couldn't have stomached it.

  3. There are some things about which we MUST be intolerant.

    The essence of believing that there is absolute truth is an intolerance of what is false, or sinful.

    It's not that you hate those who disagree, but you acknowledge that not all beliefs are equally valid.

    Postmodernism equates disagreement with hatred ... which is ridiculous.

  4. My question is why did they have to do that on your property? That just seems odd to me.

  5. momma llama,
    I agree. I think my wife and her partner were so intrigued that they wanted to see what these people would do. I am just glad that the kids were not around to see it.
