Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We are organized!

The left is desperate. They are afraid the great middle class of America is organizing and might want to take away their power! They are accusing us of being a mob. The one thing they do not want is for us to become organized!

Although they are doing a masterful job of motivating the great middle class, in one sense Beck, Limbaugh, and Hannity might be making a huge mistake. They are all proudly asserting that we are not organized! That we are just individuals concerned about the direction the left is taking America. I think they should be encouraging the myth that we are organized! That would cause an even more reckless overreaction from the likes of Pelosi and the other politicians who are so afraid of us.

In the 2008 election the middle classes were unexcited, even apathetic, about John McCain. Obama used his understanding of the importance of organization to launch himself and Michelle into the White House. Obama understands organizing people, and the last thing he wants is for all of us who cling to our religion, our stupid America-loving values, and our guns, to get organized!


  1. What we really need is for someone to step up and lead - but nobody in the Stupid Party will do it. No stones or no ability - it amounts to the same thing when considering results.

  2. There is something heady about the power of your average Joe standing up and speaking up...with or without organizing. I think and maybe I'm wrong here but I think we tend NOT to organize on the general principle, it's just not really a good idea?!!

  3. Jeffro,
    You are right. Alinsky, in his chapter about words, writes about ego, a word that means self-confidence that a person can do what he sets out to do. We do not have anyone who, to use Alinsky's words, is "driven by the desire to create" and confident in his ability to win the battle.

  4. Terri,
    Or, maybe we are aware of the fact that people tend to get corrupted by power, and we, once in power, will become just like the people we are in disagreement with?

  5. Hmmm interesting point Bob. I see that in all the years I worked. Some person is a sweetheart UNTIL they get into a position of power and then it's like payback time.
