Thursday, August 27, 2009

Telling the truth

So who has the guts to buck the media adoration of Ted Kennedy? Rush Limbaugh! After saying that he admired the way Ted fought and struggled to try to overcome his health problems, Rush went on to tell it like it is: the Senator from Massachusetts was a lion all right, a lion who preyed on people who work for a living; he constantly sought to take money and hard earned benefits like health care from people who work, and give it to those who do not work. David Brooks and others are praising Ted Kennedy for his gracious friendships that often crossed the aisle. Have people forgotten Kennedy's treatment of Judge Robert Bork and Judge Clarence Thomas and President George W. Bush, not to mention Mary Jo Kopechne?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's 2 things Bob. One is that no one feels comfortable speaking ill of the dead so you just let the praisiers taddle on and keep your mouth shut; and 2, we tend to feel it's God's place to judge a man's heart not ours. And I'm ok with our society being that won't take long for the truth to come out...he will be remembered for Mary Jo than for anything else he's done. I do believe that.
