Have you been listening to Glenn Beck? Wow! He really does his homework, and is on the trail sniffing out the corruption of the leftist radicals who are now in positions of power in America. He is a superb organizer and communicator. He, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin and other talk radio people have huge audiences. They are putting out the information, and their listeners are showing up at town hall meetings ready to ask tough questions. The leftists in power are overreacting, accusing ordinary Americans of being part of a mob. The more they overreact, the more more they lose their grip on power. Saul Alinsky could not have written a better scenario.
Michelle Malkin, another brilliant analyst and researcher, has written a book, Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team on the corruption, and is herself a superb communicator. Glenn says his weekly radio audience is 8 million, and his daily television audience on Fox is 3.5 million. He urges his audience to research and speak out. Many are doing just that. All of the people mentioned above are masters of the organizing techniques and principles taught by Saul Alinsky, though they would shudder to be identified with him, because they believe he was a man of the left. Rush Limbaugh's audience is closer to 20 million. I believe the rankings in audience size are Limbaugh first, Hannity second, and Beck third. Michael Savage, another powerful communicator, also ranks high, but I don't see him as an organizer of people, like Beck is. Savage is more of a self-promoter, ala Obama.
Again Bob I'm having trouble connecting the Saul you are defending to what Im hearing. Another story going around is that Saul encouraged the idea that you associate "bad" guys with the guys on the other side so people associate say extreme right wing mobbers in townhall meetings by deliberately picking out the kooks of which as everyone knows are everywhere but in very small numbers.
ReplyDeleteSaul was trying to motivate people to act, not just sit on the sidelines. So are Rush, Sean, and glenn. Do you hear Rush saying, "Well there are many fine qualities about Mr. Obama. He is 80percent a good guy and 20% not a good guy." No, he is emphasizing the bad, the dangerous, and so are Glenn and Sean. They are trying to get their listeneres to take action to stop the bad things this administration is doing. You don't get people to leave the comfort of their middle class homes and go protest Obamacare by painting a fair and balanced picture.
Got a point. It's just that I'm stumped here. Your view point is so at odds with other things I'm hearing.