Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Do American Jews have a suicidal death wish?

Eliott Abrahms has a superb piece in the August 1-2 Weekend Wall Street Journal showing how Obama's leftist ideology is threatening the state of Israel. Instead of focusing on Iran, the American president's ideological bent causes him to see every Middle East problem as stemming from the Israeli-Palestinian problem, especially Israel's settlement-building jobs for Palestinians. Meanwhile, Iran's Jew-hating regime continues on its merry way to their nuclear solution for Israel. Nevertheless, American Jews, perhaps blinded by their own leftist ideology, voted 80% for Obama. Currently in Israel only 6% of the population believes Obama is pro-Israel, when 88% had seen George W. Bush that way.

1 comment:

  1. My father has been on a quest for about 4 years now to figure out why American Jews vote the way they do. He has shared his insights to me. Frankly, to date, we have found nothing that explains it well enough to get it. There seems to be lots of reasons but none that make sense. And FTR these were American Jews writing about American Jewish voting patterns.
