Claudia Rosett, a former WSJ reporter famous (to me) for her reporting on the U.N.'s Oil For food debacle, has written a fabulous column in the June 4 WSJ about what she saw in 1989 at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. One gentleman asked her just a few days before the infamous crackdown, "I know what China is dreaming. What is America dreaming?" In other words, what happens after you get your dream of democracy?
Rosett goes on write, "Freedom, in the framework of a true democracy, allows individuals to weigh their own talents, skills, and ambitions, choose their won trade-offs, and chart their own dreams. That gives rise to innovation, exuberance and prosperity of a kind that no government can plan or centrally command into existence."
Yes I follow her articles as well. She knows her business...another Cassandra. That is the glory and guts of chose, you pay the dues.