Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Without the Hindrance of Debate"

(More thoughts inspired by Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism)

"The elevation of unity as the highest social value is a core tenet of fascism and all leftist ideologies. For fascists and other leftists, meaning and authenticity are found in collective enterprises - of class, nation, or race - and the state is there to enforce that meaning on everyone without the hindrance of debate." Obama and his fellow Democrats have passed trillions of dollars of new programs with little or new debate, or even with any legislator having time to read the bills! Why? Because they could! Because they say we have a crisis!

Do you know about "deconstructionism?" It is a term coined by Nazi ideologues, which holds "that there is no single meaning to any text." In other words, we can be liberated from the "weight of history and accumulated knowledge." Pragmatism was one of the features in common with Woodrow Wilson, Mussolini, FDR, and now Barack Obama. "Men of action can solve society's problems through bold experimentation and the unfettered power of the state."

The Nazis took over German universities in the 1930s, and American universities imploded in the 1960s. "Action" became more important than ideas, traditional values or morals. Hitler used the phrase "the Movement" over two hundred times in Mein Kampf. "Destroy what exists. Tear it down. Eradicate "das System." "Burn, baby, burn!"

Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayres, Obama's (former?) friends, and their colleagues in the Weather Underground, were very proud of their violence. Whereas communism had a "playbook," "fascism had a hurry up offense, calling its plays on the field," writes Goldberg. Mussolini defined both socialism and fascism as "movement, struggle, and action." "For millions of Germans the Nazis seemed to offer hope for community and meaning and authenticity."

Have you ever felt that a unified group that was in power thought of themselves as better than you? How do you assert yourself against oppression without yourself descending into violence?

"The Brownshirts beat up storekeepers, shook down businessmen, and vandalized property, rationalizing all of it in the name of the "movement." Left-wing activists still refer to the L.A. riots as an "uprising" or "rebellion." Mark Rudd joined the Weather Underground. He had been the leader of the so-called action faction of the SDS, Students for Democratic Society. His preferred rallying cry was, "Up against the wall, motherfucker." He explained, "this slogan shows the extent to which we had broken with their norms, how far we had sunk to brutality, hatred, and obscenity." From September 1969 to May 1970 Rudd and his co-revolutionaries in the Weather Underground committed 250 attacks.

"Black Power, with its clenched fists, Afro-pagan mythology, celebration of violence, emphasis on racial pride, and disdain for liberalism, was arguably America's most authentic indigenous fascism."

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't interested in reading this book until the recent Glenn Beck program. Now I can garner highlights through you. Thanks.
