(more thoughts inspired from reading Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism)
Margaret Sanger, an extreme racist, was the founder of the American birth control movement. Sanger admitted to neglecting one of her own children, who died of pneumonia at age four. She admitted she was not a "fit person for love or home or children or anything which needs attention or consideration." In 1939 Sanger created the "Negro Project," which aimed to get blacks to adopt birth control.
Sanger was actually very much anti-abortion, which, of course now is one of the three planks of the Democratic party domestically, along with identity politics and the welfare state. What are the results of the Democrats' abortion policies among blacks? "Abortion ends more black lives than heart disease, cancer, accidents, AIDS, and violent crime combined! African Americans constitute twelve percent of our population, but have more than 37% of abortions. In Mississippi black women receive 72% of all abortions. Nationwide 512 out of every 1000 black pregnancies end in abortions. There is a reason that 80% of Planned Parenthood's abortion centers are in or near minority communities.
It's so sad to thing what even just one of those aborted babies may grown up to do...find the cure for AIDs, write beautiful music, send us beyond our own solar system, just be a great person...it never ceases to sadden me of life lost.