Friday, April 17, 2009

"A nicer form of tyranny"

(more thoughts inspired from Jonah Goldberg's book Liberal Fascism)

Goldberg writes, "A brief perusal of the last hundred years of economic journalism from the left would have you believe that the most prosperous century in human history was one long, extended economic crisis." Why? Because liberals have manufactured one "crisis" after another in their quest to mobilize people. They are constantly looking for a mobilizing moral equivalent of war (even though they are anything but supportive of our military.)

Hillary Clinton's shrewd choice of crisis: "the children." The children become "an entire category of human beings for whom all violations of the principles of limited government may be justified." Government used child poverty to crush individualism and pride among inner-city blacks. Suddenly to criticize welfare policy made you "anti-black." Today black children are less likely to be raised by two parents than they were during the era of slavery!

Children are cast as a class in perpetual crises. With all of our talk these days about the nanny state, we still do not have the vocabulary to fight off nice totalitarianism, liberal fascism. The authority and autonomy of parents is discouraged, while the children's attachment to the "community" is encouraged. Remember when Hillary promised, "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good?" Goldberg summarizes, "The village may have replaced "the state," and it in turn may have replaced the fist with the hug, but an unwanted embrace from which you cannot escape is just a nicer form of tyranny."


  1. In some ways, I see the parallel with what is being said on One Cosmos about Theo-Drama. The play is the thing. And the left wants to direct. They do not see that their attempts are just being integrated into God's greater plan -- as if He were directing a play about directors.

  2. So if I'm not part of the solution, what does that make me?
