(more thoughts inspired from Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism)
"Wicca, paganism, and New Age spirituality" constitute at least 20 million adherents of the cultural left today, and growing. Feminists in particular have co-opted Wicca as a religion perfectly suited to their politics. Many of the founding members of the Nazi party were members of the occultist Thule Society, named after a supposed lost race of northern peoples hinted at in ancient Greek texts.
A lot of the crap Hollywood is putting out has these pagan and New Age influences. Goldberg describes Hollywood as "the most powerful defacto propaganda agency in human history." The most popular books and movies today feature vampires. Very dark stuff. Goldberg documents Hollywood's "addiction to fascistic aesthetics." Goldberg points out that conservatives are not immune to the allure of fascist themes in movies. When they depict resistance to tyranny or being "true to yourself," we're likely to be sucked in.
Ok I confess I do think it's cool to be a registered jedi. What can I say?