Goldberg has a whole chapter on eugenics, which he shows to be a significant feature of the history of liberal fascism. It is painful to read. I can see why liberals would want to deny this part of their history. What follows is a compendium of quotes from that chapter.
Goldberg defines eugenics as
"using state power to improve the racial, genetic, or biological health of the community." Under eugenics, "All the ills of modern mass society - urban crowding, a rising population among lower classes, poor public hygiene, even the dumbing down of mainstream bourgeois culture - now seemed curable through conscientious application of biological principles. Intellectuals feared that modern technology had removed the natural constraints on population growth among the "unfit," raising the possibility that the "higher elements" would be "swamped" by the black and brown hordes below. Many of the outstanding progressive projects in America, from Prohibition to the birth control movement, were grounded in this quest to tame the demographic beast. In 1934 when the National Socialist government in Germany had sterilized over fifty thousand "unfit" Germans, a frustrated American eugenicist exclaimed, "The Germans are beating us at our own game." German race science stood on American shoulders.
Cosnservative religious and political dogma - under relentless attack from the left - may be the single greatest bulwark against eugenic schemes. Who rejects cloning most forcefully? Who is troubled by euthanasia, abortion, and playing God in the laboratory?
I wonder at what point God himself will step in and say enough.