Sunday, April 19, 2009

Crisis, Crisis, Crisis!

(more thoughts inspired from Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism)

The problem liberal fascists have is that they need to have some kind of crisis to get their programs off the ground. "Wilson used war to achieve his social ends. FDR used economic depression and war. JFK used the threat of war and Soviet domination. Johnson's crisis mechanism came in the form of spiritual anguish and alienation after the assassination of JFK." Obama's came with the collapse of the big financial institutions.

The problem is that in peacetime "the American character is not inclined to look to the state for meaning and direction. Liberals have responded to that fact by constantly searching for new crises, new moral equivalents of war."


  1. Yep that's true. But woe until us that let them.

  2. terri,
    I really appreciate the fact that you read all my posts, and give so much thought to the thoughts I think are important. Thank you!

  3. You're welcome. I enjoy inspired conversation.
